
Dr. 迈克尔·麦克福尔

Augustana’s Boe Forum to Focus on ‘Russia and the Future of Europe’

前你.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation Dr. 迈克尔一个. 麦克福尔提名2022年议长


12bet中文官方平台和 西方研究中心 (CWS)宣布 Dr. 迈克尔一个. 麦克福尔 他将会是 第25届北京公共事务论坛 定于晚上7:30举行.m.3月11日,星期四. 31号,在艾尔曼中心.

CWS members will receive instructions in the mail on how to reserve their priority floor seating tickets ahead of the general public release.

麦克福尔曾担任美国联邦调查局局长.S. ambassador to the Russian Federation from 2012-14. 作为一个 华盛顿邮报》 专栏作家和NBC新闻分析师, 麦克福尔 frequently appears on television and radio, where he shares his knowledge of Russia’s domestic and foreign policy. 麦克福尔 is also a professor of political science and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow at Stanford University. 他在蒙大拿出生和长大.

Hosted by Augustana President Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, 今年论坛的主题是, 《12bet中文官方平台》.作为论坛的一部分, 麦克福尔 will discuss the threat to world peace by the Russian Federation and strength of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), as well as future relations between the U.S. 和俄罗斯.

“As the world’s attention turned to the massing of Russian troops along the borders of Ukraine, the Boe Forum Committee considered what this military buildup, the largest since the Second World War, could mean for the future of Europe and the United States, 特别是通过北约,” said 西方研究中心 Executive Director Dr. 哈利·汤普森. 委员会认为,作为州长. Boe wished, the people of this region should know how this event might impact their lives.” 

As the creator of the Boe Forum, former 南达科塔州 Gov. 尼尔斯·央行, charged Augustana and the CWS with inviting “singularly knowledgeable” individuals who would address events, issues or problems of “current worldwide or national concern and of broad public interest.”

“This will be among the most timely topics in the Boe Forum’s history. Dr. 麦克福尔 is sure to address the questions and concerns on our hearts and minds following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, among them the humanitarian consequences, 全球经济影响, and threat to NATO allies and democracies around the world. We look forward to his expertise and insights on U.S. foreign policy today and in the future,” said Augustana President Stephanie Herseth Sandlin.

12bet游戏平台迈克尔一个. 麦克福尔

迈克尔一个. 麦克福尔 served as ambassador of the United States of America to the Russian Federation from January 2012 to February 2014. 在成为大使之前, he served for three years as the special assistant to the President and senior director for Russia and Eurasian Affairs at the National Security Council. 麦克福尔 is a professor of political science and Hoover Fellow at Stanford University. He is also director and senior fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI).

麦克福尔 is the author and editor of several monographs including, Advancing Democracy Abroad: Why We Should and How We Can (2009); with Valerie Bunce and Katheryn Stoner-Weiss, eds., Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Postcommunist World (2009); with Anders Aslund, eds., Revolution in Orange: The Origins of Ukraine's Democratic Breakthrough (2006); with Nikolai Petrov and Andrei Ryabov, Between Dictatorship and Democracy: Russian Postcommunist Political Reform (2004); with James Goldgeier, Power and Purpose: American Policy toward Russia after the Cold War (2003); and Russia’s Unfinished Revolution: Political Change from Gorbachev to Putin (2001). 最近,他写道 From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin’s Russia (2018), a 纽约时报 最畅销的内部帐户.S.-Russia relations from 1989 to the present.

麦克福尔在蒙大拿州出生和长大. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in international relations and Slavic langu年龄s and his Master of Arts degree in Soviet and East European studies from Stanford University in 1986. He was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford where he completed his Doctor of Philosophy degree in international relations in 1991.



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Event Questions: Contact the 西方研究中心 at 605.274.4007.

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